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Photos: Air China 777-300ER in "China-France 50th Anniversary" Special Livery Debuts at PEK
May 03, 2014

In the morning of May 1, 2014, a Boeing 777-300ER wide-body aircraft pained in a special livery of the "China-France 50th Anniversary" arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and joined the fleet of Air China (CA). The new aircraft, registration number B-2047 will be deployed on Beijing-Paris route, to enhance the airline's international network.

As the national flag carrier, Air China launched the special livery to celebrate the 50th anniversary of China-France diplomatic ties. The Boeing 777-300ER is painted with red and navy blue on the whole white fuselage. The special livery is an interpretation of the half century of close ties between the two nations from 1964-2014, which captures France's Eiffel Tower on the one side and China's Temple of Heaven on the other side.

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